Tuesday, January 6, 2009

101 things in 1001 days

Started: January 6th, 2009
Ending: October 5th, 2011

In no order:

1. cut my hair
2. move to new york
3. sing in front of 100 people
4. dye my hair blonde
5. dye my hair red
6. wear heels everyday for one month
7. watch 3 movies a week for at least one month
8. eat vegetables at least once a week
9. drink water everyday
10. walk down rodeo drive
11. go to canada
12. move into a small studio close to school
13. visit san francisco
14. learn to crochet
15. take more time to focus on school work(quit procrastinating)
16. volunteer
17. for every clothing item I buy, I will donate another
18. stay on an island
19. get a car
20. get organized
21. learn to speak french
22. visit europe
23. create a monthly budget
24. read more books! (at least 1 a month)
25. find a trampoline to jump on
26. go roller skating
27. dine at a 5 star restaurant
28. learn how to spell restaurant
29. read the dictionary
30. take a train down the east coast
31. road trip to the west coast
32. take multivitamins
33. visit my family in ireland
34. try some drug
35. see more live music(1 show a month)
36. go to coachella or bonnaroo
37. get a good internship
38. get a real job
39. spend more time laughing(laugh at least 5 times a day)
40. spend less time complaining(cut down to once a day)
41. buy an amazing mattress
42. take eccinachea daily
43. see obama speak
44. eat a new kind of fish
45. beat my high score for tetris
46. make an attempt to be less pale(wearing bathing suits, tanning, etc)
47. wear more makeup when going out
48. become more comfortable in my own skin
49. take better care of the skin I am in
50. watch documentaries
51. visit more museums
52. save $2000 over the summer of '09
53. take classes at MUD
54. start a new collection
55. purchase more vinyl(have a collection of 100 by the end of 2009)
56. take more polaroids (as many as you can until the film is impossible to find)
57. eat a weird meat(deer, cow tongue, etc)
58. sleep less
59. read more (newspapers, magazines)
60. keep change in a piggy bank
61. photograph a day in my life
62. get my teeth whitened
63. buy lunch for a homeless person
64. buy a cookbook and actually use it!
65. do yoga
66. use my eco-friendly shopping bags
67. educate myself on things I care about
68. visit my cousins more
69. venture to florida whenever possible
70. go to church occasionally
71. go camping
72. get an iphone
73. buy rainboots
74. start a life scrapbook
75. decorate a room to be my ideal living space (inviting, bright colors, antiques)
76. feel financially stable(aside from student loans)
77. worry less
78. plan and follow through! (applies to all aspects of life)
79. learn to play the piano (by 2010)
80. learn to play the violin (by 2011)
81. keep a real journal (write in it 3 times a week)
82. visit the library more often (once a week)
83. run a marathon (by 2010)
84. go canoeing
85. have an epic party I will remember forever (new year's 2009)
86. make vinnie breakfast in bed
87. get a checkup at the doctor/dentist
88. learn to use oil paints
89. make a quilt
90. thank my grandparents(for everything)
91. give blood again
92. sing karaoke
93. try to use a daily planner
94. use the internet less (maybe not everyday)
95. buy more maps (of places I'd like to visit, paris, san francisco, etc)
96. buy lots of underwear
97. thank my mom (for everything)
98. hug my sisters (every time I see them)
99. make myself my dream dress
100. see the grand canyon
101. overall, become more satisfied with life

I'm going to start adding more:

102. drink/make smoothies weekly


Anonymous said...


Chop said...

like your list. i think i will try that. try deer meat, yummy, frog legs and duck.